Bio-Guesthouse Mani Sonnenlink

Uplift Yourself: YOGA & MEDITATION Retreat in Mani, Greece 10. – 15. May 2025 Dates: May 10-15 Location: Mani Bio Sonnelink Hotel Join us in the breathtaking region of Mani, Greece, for an enriching retreat designed to uplift your body, mind, and spirit. At the Uplift Yourself retreat, you will experience a harmonious blend of yoga, meditation, and holistic…

Prices for Bio-Guesthouse 2024 from 1.4. – 15.12.2024 3 bungalow double rooms 105 €/night in a double room 90 €/night in a single room BUNGALOWS Green flat The flat consists of a double and a single room with a connecting door and a shared bathroom (separate access to the bathroom) Terrace and a wonderful quiet outdoor area 130 € double…

11 years of Mani-Sonnenlink Biohotels: the new certificate has just come in while writing this newsletter: I am so proud to be part of this fantastic hotel community!

EXPLORING MANI A first comprehensive overview of the Western Mani is given in a travel guide published by the municipality. Beaches, villages, churches and monasteries, flora and fauna, culture and history are presented. A good overview and a great opportunity to get to know the Mani at home and to prepare your trip. Western Mani / Travel Guide _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________…

OLIVE BLOSSOM Very delicate and small is the flower of the precious olive tree, which is particularly lavish this year. The natural spectacle is not only beautiful to look at, but also gives hope for a rich harvest. Olive growing has a long tradition in the Mani. Valuable oil is extracted from the fruit. In our family business Mani Bläuel…

GESUND & LECKER Das Olivenöl gesund ist, ist lange bekannt, dass es köstlich ist, mindestens genauso lange… Mani Bläuel, die Olivenöl Experten geben tolle Tipps rund ums Olivenöl. Z.B. Ölziehen mit Olivenöl. Schon mal ausprobiert? Das Ölziehen ist Teil der traditionellen indischen Heilkunst Ayurveda und nicht nur gut für die Zähne…Mehr lesen Auch heisst es, dass Oliven resistent gegen Stress…