The Mani scenery is wild, untamed and unique located in the bottom of the middle finger of the Greek
Peloponnese, home of the Bläuel family business which produces organic olive and delicatessen products.

Unique Location
Up until the 20th century, because of its inaccessibility the Mani was an ideal hideaway for those seeking protection, this was also the case for pirates in older times. This isolation meant that the region was free from government interference, and thus its people developed a special, freedom-loving spirit. The Mani never submitted to any foreign powers during its history, so it is not surprising that the Greek revolution against centuries of Ottoman rule started from this region in 1821.
Today Mani is a peaceful land and visitors looking for rest, relaxation, sun, sea and good food are welcome. But the Mani people are still proud of their independence and free spirit. Continuing with the traditional ways of olive cultivation they keep alive this centuries-old culture, which is supported and promoted by the Bläuel family through the promotion of organic farming. The pure natural products that grow in the Mani are the treasures of the region – such as the iconic Koroneki olive tree from which the “green gold” of Mani is obtained.
Country life in small communities and remote mountain villages has always been the norm for the Mani people. In all seasons and weather, they have struggled with the stony mountain soil to obtain the products they need to sustain daily life: sun loving vegetables, some meat and of course olives and olive oil from Koroneiki olive groves.
The most authentic Mediterranean cuisine has nurtured Mani’s small farmers for centuries, but this required hard work with often very little reward. As a result, in the middle of the last century more and more young people started trying their luck in other regions of the country or abroad.
Today the historic homes and towers of the villages have been restored with much love. In the taverns and restaurants tourists can discover and enjoy traditional Mani cuisine, sitting at the same table together with hospitable “Maniates” and drinking a glass of wine to celebrate the enjoyable Mediterranean way of life – a life with a future in the Mani.